Wellness Plans
Our wellness plans are designed to provide all the medical care your horse needs for one full year. By packaging all these services together, we are not only able to offer you a substantial discount but also insure that your horse gets everything it needs to stay healthy.
We have three basic plans depending on your horse’s use and age. The “Platinum Performance Horse Plan” recognizes the increased risk that a horse which is hauled to events and shows on a regular basis faces. This plan provides for four visits per year with boosters of the upper respiratory tract vaccines at each visit to insure that the equine athlete is fully protected at all times.
The “Pleasure Horse Plan” provides for two visits per year with all vaccines and fecal exams to keep your horse feeling its best.
The “Senior Horse Plan” includes annual blood work to assess your horses internal organ function. This allows for problems omega replica with your horse’s kidneys, liver and other organs to be caught long before they become clinically significant.